Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools (RDCRS) Board of Trustees voted at their April 27 Regular Board Meeting that the Division will be opting out of piloting the new Draft Kindergarten - Grade 6 Curriculum this fall.

The Division held seven days of feedback sessions with teachers to give them an opportunity to provide input into the draft curriculum.This feedback, along with a comprehensive review of the draft curriculum from the Division level, will be sent to Alberta Education to help guide revisions and recommendations moving forward related to the curriculum.

“Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools has decided to forego the opportunity to pilot the new draft curriculum. The Division will undertake a comprehensive curriculum review over the coming months and share the findings and recommendations with Alberta Education. The review will include extensive consultations with parents, educators and members of our broader stakeholder community. We expect the final report to be released by no later than November,” said Board Chair, Kim Pasula at Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools.

“We acknowledge and commend our students and families, and our school staff members, for all of their efforts in adapting to the challenges of the pandemic. The health and wellness of our community is our highest priority. While we have hope that we may soon be on the other side of the COVID-19 situation, the Board also made the decision to advocate for a delay in the implementation of the new curriculum.”

RDCRS has received many concerns from teachers, students and their families in regards specifically to age and developmentally-appropriate content, the academic language related to curricular objectives, in addition to the timing of the proposed changes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The focus of the Division in the fall will continue to be on the mental wellness of students, staff and families, as well as learning progressions and post-pandemic recovery in schools,” said Superintendent, Kathleen Finnigan at Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools.“We need to refocus on developing the strong relationships and connections Red Deer Catholic Regional School Division is known for, what we do so very well, and the reason why families choose our school division.”

Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools serves over 10,360 students in 20 schools in Red Deer, Blackfalds, Sylvan Lake, Rocky Mountain House, Innisfail, and Olds, as well as an at-home learning program. It also supports the learning of over 1095 students in a Traditional Home Education Program. The Division is committed to serving children and parents with a complete offering of learning opportunities delivered within the context of Catholic teachings and within the means of the Division.

** with information provided by Red Deer Regional Catholic Schools