The Lacombe Legion Branch #79 have decided to cancel their Remembrance Day Ceremony. The ceremony was originally scheduled for November 11th, at 10:30 AM outside of the Lacombe Memorial Centre in Lest We Forget Park. 

"We are of the opinion we cannot have spectators. One with weather and two with COVID there is no way we can have it at all," said Lacombe Legion Branch #79 President, Kathy Hobbs. 

The City of Lacombe was added to Alberta's enhanced watchlist for COVID-19 limiting gatherings to just 15 people. The City of Lacombe now  has 19 active COVID-19 cases. Instead their planned ceremony, the legion has opted for a smaller ceremony with only available to legion members and local dignitaries. Following the small ceremony, the legion hall will not be open to the public. 

"The legion will be closed tomorrow. We usually have a luncheon but we can't have anybody inside. We don't want our veterans to get sick so we're very careful what they are doing," said Barbara Burnett, Poppy Campaign Chairwoman. 

"The lounge is closed because it was limited to 15 people. Just how do you determine who gets in and who doesn't when the whole purpose is honouring our veterans and service people," added Hobbs. 

Burnett says she expected less donations to the poppy campaign this year. Her original goal was to raise $30,000 for the Legion but does not expect to make to make her goal. Poppy boxes will still be available for donation at local stores until November 12th but she says you can donate to the legion directly at any time of the year. 

You can check out the video service the Lacombe Legion has prepared for local schools here: