A new rebate program announced by the Province aims to put 10 thousand solar panels on rooftops around Alberta by 2020.

The rebate program will help cut installation costs for businesses by about 25% and 30% for homeowners.

Kim Schmidt, Owner of Sunfind Solar Products says more and more people are looking to power their homes with solar energy.

"They may only have the system in their home for 5 to 10 years, but they're actually recouping as much if not all of that original investment. Plus they've had those energy saving for the years they've had the system installed. So as time goes on, energy prices increase, and people learn more about the systems, we'll see that added value to the property."

While all the details haven't been announced yet, the program will be partly funded by the province's carbon tax, and will create up to 900 solar sector jobs by 2019.

Schmidt says that's good news to hear, considering fewer businesses have been investing in solar the last few years.

"We see good uptake when the economy is rolling along. Just because they're looking at ways to use capital to provide savings and efficiencies within their companies. But we've probably seen the sharpest drop off in the commercial side in the last couple years. Just with the economic slowdown, they haven't been investing because they don't have the capital to do so."

Sunfind Solar Products installed the panels on Lacombe County's new remote shops, which help power almost the entire building.

Schmidt says solar panels are slowly becoming a valued feature for homebuyers much like granite counters, or triple pane windows.