Last year's Halloween Sunny Staff pic

What was your favorite thing to get in your pillow case treat bag on Halloween?

Asking my kids, and most others would agree from my trick-or-treating days, was the full-sized candy bars.

Not this guy!  For me it was always the can of pop.  We didn't get to drink much pop growing up so it was always exciting having that 355ml can weighing down my bag with the promise of a little something special after I'd made my annual run.

One year as an adult giving out treats to the little ghouls and goblins, I thought it would be a good idea to re-create that magic for other kids.  So I went out and bought four cases of pop, thinking that word-of-mouth would have the children breaking down my door.

"Hey, the radio guy is giving out pop! We have to go to his house!"

Ya, my best laid plans were wasted that year.  We got 6 kids.

But that left 42 cans of pop for me so I had my best haul ever! And I didn't even have to leave the house!

What did you look forward to every year for Halloween?

While you think of that, here's a look at the "ghosts" of Sunny Halloween's past.  Sadly, no staff picture this year!