Easy, delicioius and affordable. This sauce recipe is a new addition to my repetoire and has quickly become a favourite!! 


-       1 onion, chopped

-       6 cloves of garlic

-       1 package Yves veggie ground

-       5-6 diced tomatoes

-       ½ jalapeno, diced

-       1 handful torn fresh basil

-       1 tbsp vegan butter

-       1 cup red wine

-       ½ cup starchy pasta water

-       Salt and pepper

In a large pan, sauté the onion and garlic in some olive oil on medium heat until onions start to turn clear. Add your veggie ground and cook until brown. Add diced tomatoes (juice and all) to pan along with a pinch of salt and 1-2 cups of water. Let the mixture reduce on medium high heat for around 20 minutes.

Add the jalapeno, basil leaves and pepper generously. Continue to let sauce cook down until consistency is slightly dry. Then add tbsp of vegan butter, 1 cup of red wine. Let sauce cook down again.

Boil 3 cups of pasta (follow directions on whichever pasta you choose). Take ½ cup of starchy pasta water and add to the sauce. The starch from the cooking water makes the sauce stick to the noodles. Continue to cook down to desired thickness. Pour over noodles and enjoy!