After a 2 week trip overseas, I am back and loving returning to my normal routine. Don't get me wrong, travel is amazing, but I do truly love feeling organized and energized. 

Food prep is a huge part of that, and it has become my best friend!! Now before you shut your brain off and tell me how you simply don't have time to work in food prep, I wanna say that ANYONE has time for ANYTHING, if they are willing to make it a priority. A lot of us make other people's priorities ours too, but when was the last time you made sure that you yourself were also on that list? If you have to think about it or can't remember when, then that is a problem!!

While food prep (at first) can seem daunting, once you get into the swing of it, you will wonder how you ever lived without. So let's start with breakfast, the most important, and most unappreciated, meal of the day! Skipping breakfast just isn't a good idea, ever. No matter how you live, where you live, or what your lifestyle is like, starting your day with nutritious food is like giving your body a kickstart and sets you up for your entire day.

My new breakfast favourite has been OATMEAL!! Something I avoided for years, and now I have no idea why!! They are so nutritious, delicious and most importantly, inexpensive!!! Now that I food prep as often as I do, this recipe has been a game changer, and I think you'll love it as much as I do.

All you need is 

- 1 bag steel cut oats (stay away from instant oats or flavoured oatmeals they are usually full of added sugar and are wayyyyyyy over processed)

- 1 carton of unsweetened plant-based milk (I use almond)

- 1 bag of chia and ground flaxseeds

- 5 glass mason jars

- 4 bananas (frozen or fresh, but I prefer frozen)


In each jar, mix together 1/2 cup steel cut oats, 1/3 cup almond milk, 1/3 cup room temperature water, 1 tsp chia seeds, 1 tsp ground flaxseeds and 3/4 a banana

Mix the ingredients together inside the mason jar until thoroughly mixed. Put top on mason jar, put in fridge. THAT'S IT!

I will make mine on a Sunday for the following work week, and grab one each day on my way out the door. All you need to do is either heat them up in the microwave when you are ready, or if you prefer, eat them cold. They absorb the liquid throughout the night making them soft (but not mushy) and delicious for the entire work week. You can tweak this recipe however you see fit, add fruit you like, spices, other grains, nuts or seeds, the options are ENDLESS. But for right now, this is my personal favourite recipe.