Being a dad isn't always the easiest thing in the world to do. Being a dad with daughters can be even tougher.

With my son Bryan there was already that natural male connection. Apparently with my daughters Marie and Amy, I have a lot to learn.

Here's what I've learned over the past months:

#1. Girls need a lot of space

As a guy I basically have a toothbrush and a razor on the counter. One day I went into the bathroom and noticed a whole line of make up brushes all in a neat row. As a Dad I decided that maybe I could help with this. I added to the collection. It didn't go over very well.

Here's a photo to show you why:

guess which brush I added

#2. Dad's can learn a lot from daughters:

Here is an actual conversation that I had with my daughter Marie.

Me: Hey do you have one of those sandpaper things I can use for my feet?

Marie: Sandpaper things?

Me: Yeah one of those things to get hard skin off my feet.

Marie: You can use the pumice stone in the bathroom.

Me: Oh, is that what that rock in the bathtub is for?

"That rock in the bathtub"