A definitive temperature to close down schools, grants for emotional support and student's attendance were all topics at the February 1st board meeting for The Chinook's Edge School Division.

Here are some of the highlights:

Chinook’s Edge Board received an update about social emotional supports for students

Chinook’s Edge Associate Superintendents Marcie Purdue and Karyn Barber shared an update on social emotional supports for students. Chinook’s Edge and its partners recently received a provincial grant of $1.4million, for a two year mental health pilot that will see the addition of five Mental Health Consultants and three Family Enrichment workers in Chinook’s Edge. It was also noted that the Board financially supports the YES program, the FSW program, and the Social Emotional Team with close to $3 million in funding annually. Purdue explained that Chinook’s Edge layers a number of mental health supports that range from preventative instruction for all students, to individual students accessing highly specialized supports. The division is focused on emphasizing a preventative approach. Trustees expressed support for the work underway and appreciation to staff for being innovative and focused on students.   

Chinook’s Edge trustees consider the impact of student attendance on success

The Board understands that good attendance in school impacts student success. The Board also recognizes that, at times, there are planned student absences such as to participate in off campus work programs, that impact attendance.The Board is interested in understanding attendance in Chinook’s Edge more deeply so it can ensure correct supports are in place for students. The Superintendent will gather information and bring it back to the Board.

Chinook’s Edge updates its Inclement Weather Administrative Procedure

The Board supported a change to the Chinook’s Edge Inclement Weather Administrative Procedure. Minor changes include making the criteria for school closure not just “below” minus 45 Celsius, but “at or below” that temperature. Also, the temperature criteria will be based windchill rather than ambient temperature. Before the change was adopted, school administrators and the Parents Matter committee was consulted. The goal of the procedure is to balance the importance of keeping schools open with safety for students and staff.

Board considers mileage rates

The Board considered mileage rates and decided to continue to align the division’s mileage rate with the Canada Revenue Agency