My wife and I try to compost as much as we can. Any kind of organic waste we will put into our compost box and use it in our yard throughout the summer. The interesting thing about composting is that you never know what is in the soil. In the past we we have had potatoes growing and plants that we haven't been able to identify.

This year, we got a really cool surprise. We had this plant growing in a pot on our deck. At first, I thought it was a weed so I was going to pull it, but as it grew larger I could tell that it was more like a fruit or vegetable. I tried to look it up on Google image search but couldn't tell what it was.

By Midsummer, it kept growing bigger and bigger until we realized that we were growing CANTALOUPE. I'm wondering if it will ever get big enough to be able to eat it. Have you ever had a surprise plant growing in your garden?