Believe it or not, 2017 is right around the corner! When the end of the year approaches it's always nice to reminisce on the year you just had... so Sunny 94 is going to do just that! We found all the bits and pieces from 2016 we would love to share and remember with you from big contests to memorable events! We invite you to take a trip down memory lane with us...


Carolyn McNeice was the grand prize winner of our Happy Camper Giveaway on April 30th, 2016. A big thanks to Fraserway RV for setting us up with the trailer and congratulations to Carolyn, I hope you got good use out of it this summer!


Remember going to all those Sticker Blitz's and putting that limited edition Sunny win sticker on your vehicle? We sure do! And we remember the amazing reaction Kevin had when we called him telling him he had won $10,000:

Don't spend it all in one place, Kevin!


Sending us an entry form saying "I'm so lazy that ________" could have won you a $5,000 shopping spree at La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries; and that's exactly what happened to Lisa Hoffman! I wonder what she bought? Maybe it was a new couch... perfect for napping... Zzzz...


All throughout the holiday season we asked you "How would you like to win a brand new furniture set for Christmas?" and had entry locations at Sims Funiture and Parkland Mall for you! It included a couch, loveseat, chair, area rug, coffee table, 2 side tables and 2 lamps. We had Santa Claus himself draw the grand prize winner, which happened to be Lola Maier!

Click the photos below to see all the other memories we've shared throughout 2016! From Lacombe Light Up The Night, to Fire Aid for Fort Mac, to the Sunny crew out in the community!

Thank you for making 2016 so special for us and we look forward to many more adventures, giveaways, and the music you grew up with in 2017!